Längstes Mirror Go Game!
Mirror Go ist eine kontroverse Sache. Die einen finden es herausfordernd und spannend, die anderen schlichtweg unsportlich. Nichts desto trotz wurde vor Kurzem in der Korean Baduk League 2007 in einer offiziellen Partie Spiegel-Go bis zum 132. Zug gespielt.
Der Spiegelnde war Park Seoungcheoul der diese Strategie gegen Cho Hye-Yeon angewandt hat. In ihrem Blog schreibt Yeon:
Anbei gibt's die Partie nochmal zum Nachspielen.
Der Spiegelnde war Park Seoungcheoul der diese Strategie gegen Cho Hye-Yeon angewandt hat. In ihrem Blog schreibt Yeon:
His 'Mirror Go' caused the controversy among Baduk fans. Baduk TV made a special program on it, and the famous journalists wrote columns. Some people blamed him for being unfair, but journalists encouraged him.
I am not interested in those arguments, because I just don't like to play like that.
However, I had to face it because Seungcheol really made the Mirror Go against me! I was shocked. In fact, I didn't expect him to play Mirror Go again. I quickly placed first hand and third hand. But when I saw his fourth hand, I felt the strange feeling. He tried to imitate my hand! It was very hard. I didn't know how to deal with it.
Anbei gibt's die Partie nochmal zum Nachspielen.
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