Marathon Go Championship
Jedes Jahr findet auf IGS der Cho Chikun Cup statt (dieses Jahr ist es bereits der Siebte). Darin gilt es möglichst viele Spiele in einem bestimmten Zeitraum zu absolvieren und dabei eine Winning-Percentage von mindestens 30% aufzuweisen.
Auf die Gewinner warten coole Preise. Bspw. kriegen die besten fünf jeweils eine Trophäe sowie ein von Cho Chikun signiertes Diplom.
Registrieren könnt ihr euch vom dritten bis 17-ten Juli auf der offiziellen Homepage. Das Turnier selbst dauert vom 20. Juli bis zum 31. August (dabei darf täglich aus Gesundheitsgründen höchstens 8 Stunden gespielt werden. Die genauen Regeln findet ihr unten aufgeführt in Englisch:
In Marathon Go event, you compete for the number of games played in the designated period. However the following games will not be counted:
* The maximum playing-time per day is 8 hours and any game starting after this time limit will not be counted (In case of a game played over two days in IGS Japan Time, it shall be counted in the date it has started).
* A game not started within the designated period
* A game which was interrupted due to disconnection by both players
* A game played on other than 19x19 board
* A game played against Robot (Robots' User IDs begin with "Robot")
* A game that does not meet the following time requirements:
(1) Pandanet style: at least 5 minutes for 25 moves
(2) Byoyomi style: at least 20 seconds per move
(3) No Byoyomi: at least 30 minutes for one game
* A game with less than 40 moves
* A game which Organizing Committee considered to be inappropriate
[ Ranking ]
Participants with the winning percentage of 30% or more are subject to the final ranking and the winners will be decided as follows:
1. A player with largest number of games played, if the tie remains, then:
2. A player with better winning percentage, if the tie remains, then:
3. A player with larger moves (the sum of all games), if the tie remains, then:
4. These players are considered co-winners
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to disqualify any player who is excessively discourteous to other players.
Labels: Computer, international, Turnier
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